Uglem Upends Howard


In March, Henry Uglem (above) defeated Tom Howard and F.D. White to win a three cornered fight for mayor.  Uglem had 338 votes to Howard’s 253. White took 213 votes.  Uglem intermediately went to work persuading the Minneapolis City Council and the Robbinsdale’s citizen’s that a merger by way of annexation would be advantageous. In September, pettiions were circulated and the 100 signitures necessary to take a vote were obtained.

Boy Scout Troop 234 was established by Westphal Post 251 of the American Legion. Early leaders were A. J. Sessing, Henry 0. Hench, Milton Nordstrom and Vernon Lennartson. In the late 1950’s, the Legion built a Boy Scout camp on the Apple River near Balsam Lake, Wisconsin. It was dedicated September 27, 1959, as the John W. Cooper Memorial Camp. John Cooper was an Eagle Scout and had been killed in a jet plane crash in 1952.

Robbinsdale held a Mid-Summer festival at the Southtown Community Club on July 2oth and 21st. The club was organized in 1922 with W.H.M. Adams as president.  12 girls competed to be queen of the festival.

This post is part of a series loosely based on the book Robbinsdale Then and Now by Helen Blodget.



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