September Membership Meeting Minutes

The September 22, 2015 Membership Meeting of the Robbinsdale Historical Society was called to order by President Diane Jacobson McGee. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.

The Minutes of the last meeting of the Society were mailed to the members.

Treasurer Dean Cummings reported that financial records from our previous Treasurer, Ray Milford, were now transferred to his care.

Rollie Heywood gave a review of Museum visitors since our last meeting; told of the Minnesota Wrestling Hall of Fame which met at the Museum this month; and a meeting with the “micro brewing” group that is moving into downtown Robbinsdale.

“Meet and Greet”, a Robbinsdale main street event on Monday, September 14 was well attended. Diane thanked Doug, Joel, Denny, Bob and Pete for preparations and help. Books were sold, photos were taken for our Face Book page.

Historic Robbinsdale plaques have been installed: “Fawcett Publishing” is on the now Nona Rosa’s restaurant building; the “Nassett Store” is on the 4865-42nd Ave. site and “Robbinsdale Red and White Grocery” has been placed on the Canton Garden’s Restaurant.

Pete Richie’s “Robbinsdale” book has been selling well and we have ordered 50 more books. So far 200 books have been sold which equals about $1700 in income for the Historical Society.

“Minnesota Wrestling Hall of Fame” plaques, photos and memorabilia are an addition now to our Museum.

Diane thanked Doug Blumb for coffee preparations today; for Dodie at the welcome table, to Doug, Joel and Jerry for our refreshments.

The guest speakers for this meeting were Annette and John Flaherty, former owners of Hoagie’s Restaurant and Someplace Else, “THE place to be” in the late 1960s. There were over 30 persons attending this meeting.

Carolyn Lageson, Secretary


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